Eating out Division

In us, I used the vegetables under the theme of "rich, healthy food culture" abundantly
I run a curry restaurant "Ciao-Curry shiodome shop".
I matched many vegetables with slightly spicy curry sauce by a rustle
I provide the curry of the unprecedented new sense.
Please come to the store on a calling near.
Shiodome store
Business hours, a regular holiday: Please see a homepage of the Ciao-Curry.
Telephone 03-6274-5068
1-9-1, Higashishinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Shiodome building Pedi Shiodome 2F
42 seats of number of the seats counter eight seats tables
Telephone 03-6274-5068
1-9-1, Higashishinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Shiodome building Pedi Shiodome 2F
42 seats of number of the seats counter eight seats tables